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Matthew Graham


Matt received an MEng in Bioengineering from the University of Sheffield in 2020, specialising in biomaterials and regenerative medicine. He was awarded the Xiros prize in Bioengineering for his Masters project, which involved the development of novel electrospun corneal scaffolds. Matt’s PhD project aims to design an acelleular, biomimetic ligament graft based on cellulose nanostructures, such as cellulose nanofibrils extracted from tunicates and cellulose nanofibres produced by bacteria. The project will investigate how these fibrillar structures can be aligned within larger fibres using manufacturing processes such as direct ink writing and electrospinning, mimicking the hierarchical structure seen within native ligament tissue. Matt also works part time for the Innovation Forum, who provide life science and health care start-ups with the mentorship, funding and services required to scale up their business.


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